We have now looked at all the constituencies in the South West. We’ve added a page to help readers assess our predictions and you can navigate straight to anyone of our Look @ blog posts from here to see our justifications. We are not omniscient, and we encourage readers to give us their experiences of the campaign. As we cannot be in all 650 constituencies at once your input can aid us factor in local issues we may have missed. By Election Day we hope to have a set of informed predictions to compare with the more statistical based models and with your help we might even get close to calling the right result!
Beberapa Macam Sifat Jaket
Jaket kulit begitu pas dipakai dalam cuaca dingin atapun panas. Sifat jaket
kulit terkecuali kuat serta tidak tembus angin, juga mempunyai Jual Jaket
Trump/Vance: fuck the blue
A very useful reminder of what the 1/6 seditionists whose sentences Trump
commuted or pardoned actually did: David Dempsey was convicted of
repeatedly as...
Local elections: a useful bellwether?
Ahead of the Local Election on May the 4th, Luke Skipper takes a look what
this could mean for the General Election in Scotland. In the mania that has
There's less than a week to go, and because in general last-minute movement
of polling is as misleading just as often as it is accurate, this will be
my f...
Closing up shop
Anyone who used to regularly read UKPollingReport has presumably noticed it
has been many months since I have updated it. You’ve probably already
assumed t...
Costa Rica 2018
Presidential and congressional elections were held in Costa Rica on
February 4, 2018. Political and electoral system Costa Rica is a
presidential republic....